Implementation Guides

The Asset Manager’s Guide to Integrating Data for Content Automation

Integrating data is one of the most important steps in setting up a content automation system. Asset managers often underestimate the scope of work required to get their data sources integrated properly, which can throw the implementation timeline and budget way off track. This guide offers our five best pieces of advice to help you accurately evaluate the scope of work involved. It will also help you determine the best automation approach to suit your company’s data scenario today and in the future.

The Asset Manager’s Guide to Creating Business Rules for Content Automation

Business Rules are the ‘secret sauce’ of content automation. They are absolutely vital to the success of your implementation, and having them created up-front can ensure the setup goes smoothly. Unless you’ve implemented an automation system before, you may be unfamiliar with the term, ‘business rule’. In this guide, we’ll explain the three different types of business rules and walk you through how to identify, document, and manage your rules.


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