Automated Website Updates

Keep your investment data accurate and consistent across your marketing assets & website.

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Asset managers need to be able to rely on website updates to their fund data. To that end, you need to be able to trust your automation solution. We often find ourselves in control of the largest snapshot of client’s content and data, which can exist anywhere. Many of our clients choose to leverage this asset by having us support their website data updates. In order to achieve this, we offer options ranging from delivering data feeds to full-page or component production.

Automated Website Components

For the purpose of delivering the most current information to your audience, we encourage you to automate the data-driven components of your page. We can provide raw data or content to your page or produce fully rendered charts, graphs, tables, and disclosure blocks. Integrate automated components into your overall web strategy to provide a seamless solution.

Automate Entire Web Pages

Through Synthesis Technology, firms produce entire web pages or whole sections of public or private sites. As a result of automating this process, site administrators and CMS don’t have to learn the intricacies of your product, data, and disclosure requirements. Streamline the operational management of your website updates with Synthesis.


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