Exclusive Reports

Asset Management MarTech Stack Insights & Trends Report [2021]

In our latest research, we collaborated with The Growth Strategy Group, and Sondhelm Partners to learn how investment management companies are prioritizing their Martech stacks. Since the onset of the pandemic, the adoption of marketing technology has accelerated exponentially as firms made a swift shift to digital. Our research gives us a picture of what marketers have in their stack today, and what will drive changes over the next 2 years. The participants in our research study include marketing leaders from a mixture of large, mid-size, and boutique firms by AUM.

Some key insights include:

  • CRM platforms are the most widely-adopted tool in the stack, used by 94% of firms we surveyed.
  • More efficient compliance review processes are a necessity in the industry, yet only 35% reported using a compliance review tool and 60% cited the need for better compliance integration within their stack.
  • Looking ahead, marketers are prioritizing making better use of the technologies in their stack in order to drive improvements in operational efficiency, client experience, and better business insights.
  • Download our report for all of the data and subscribe to receive all of our insights!

Asset Manager’s Guide to Content Automation: The Top 3 Approaches

Investment managers need specialized functionality to automate data-heavy fact sheets, pitchbooks, and other investor communications. Automation solutions must be able to adequately solve problems around data integration and compliance workflow. With the right approach, Financial services companies can implement content automation successfully.

In our exclusive research report, you’ll learn:

  • Three different ways to approach fact sheet and pitchbook automation
  • The pros and cons of each approach, with real insights from investment marketers
  • A detailed comparison of the 3 approaches, based on the top vendors in each category

2018 Report: Mutual Fund Fact Sheet Production Study

Have you ever wondered how your firm compares to your competitors when it comes to fact sheet release dates and overall production efficiency? For example, did you know that it takes the average fund company 11 business days to publish their first fact sheet?

In our exclusive research study, Product Manager, Noel Rodolfo, analyzes data from 47 fund companies and 235 fact sheets to find the answers to these questions:

  • What kind of throughput improvements can we get with document automation versus manual production?
  • Are larger fund companies more efficient than smaller ones at producing their fact sheet?
  • How do our automation customers compare with their peers?
  • Does automation technology actually work to improve production efficiency?

Exclusive Report: Key Insights from Investment Marketing & Sales Roundtable

We recently brought together a group of 15 investment sales and marketing leaders from tier-one banks and investment management companies to talk about trends, challenges, and solutions for marketing and sales.

In this report, we share ideas and insights from our Roundtable discussion. Topics include:

  • Customer-centric versus investment-centric marketing
  • Marketing strategy in terms of branding, thought leadership and sales support
  • Lead generation, nurturing and account-based marketing
  • Marketing technology, budgets and the very painful buying process
  • Analytics and tracking ROI

This report covers some of the topics addressed in the round table. But we don’t have space to cover everything here. So we will be blogging on some of the other topics we discussed. You can find these articles at www.synthesistechnology.com/roundtable


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