White Papers

Content Automation: A Path to More Efficient and Effective Marketing

In this whitepaper, FUSE Research Network outlines the takeaways from our 2020 Investment Content Marketing and Automation Benchmarking Report.  We asked investment marketers about their strategies and budget allocations for 2021, and in what areas they see the most opportunity for improvement. A few interesting findings include:

  • Large asset managers allocate 6 FTEs to digital marketing, whereas mid-size firms allocate 1.5 FTEs
  • Mid-sized firms spend the most on social media, at 32% of the digital budget
  • 66% of respondents say the pandemic had no impact on marketing staff levels
  • 95% of asset managers are using some form of automation tool or software

Solving the Data Problem for Asset Managers

In this guide, drawing on over 20 years of deep industry experience, Synthesis’ data solutions experts share their best practices for managing marketing data. By taking these practices into account, you can get on track to meeting your production goals and being more competitive in the field. These include:

  • Own your data
  • Create a formal inventory
  • Establish Deadlines
  • Strive for automation
  • And more

10 Tips for Rebranding Fund Marketing Documents

Investment management marketers are no strangers to the redesign process. When firms make branding or design changes, it is a major event in the life of the marketing department. This can be as simple as changing colors and fonts, or it may impact the entire layout, design and component selection of your documents. In this white paper, we share 10 of our best tips and tricks to help your team tackle your next redesign project, including:

  • Overall design
  • Page layout
  • Style guide secrets
  • Testing strategies
  • And more

Create Pitchbooks That Drive Sales

A great pitchbook strategy makes sales presentation materials available in a timely, personalized, compliant, and effective manner. In this white paper, we discuss how to perfect your pitchbook strategy to create more effective pitchbooks. Topics include:

  • The two most common types of pitchbook strategies, and their shortcomings
  • Choosing the right solution for your needs
  • Maximizing the return on your investment
  • 7 key elements to a successful solution
  • How to determine the best technology solution for pitchbook automation

Build vs. Buy: Should your Financial Services firm Insource or Outsource Technology?

This white paper is based on our direct and extensive experience with the Build vs. Buy decision at a wide variety of major financial services firms. The goal of this paper is to provide technology buyers with more clarity when deciding to insource or outsource technology solutions. In this white paper we discuss:

  • The six criteria for a successful technology implementation
  • What makes internal technology solutions successful
  • Why internal technology solutions fail
  • Real-world case studies
  • What undoes the economics of an internal solution

How to Calculate ROI on a Content Automation Solution

Once you’ve decided it’s time to invest in an automation solution, it’s imperative to get the c-suite on board. In this white paper, Synthesis CEO, John Toepfer, walks you through the process of calculating return on investment on a content automation solution. In this white paper you’ll learn:

  • How to calculate your true costs of literature production today
  • How to determine direct and indirect costs associated with producing marketing materials
  • How to compare different automation models: DIY vs. Turnkey vs. Outsourced
  • How to put together an ROI calculation that will show upper management the value of investing in automation

Everybody on Board: The Complete Guide to Convincing Your Firm to Automate Your Fact Sheets

Executive Management, Sales, Compliance, IT — How can marketers convince their key business partners to buy-in to fact sheet automation?
This guide was written by a marketing professional with over 15 years of experience in investment management marketing operations. In this white paper, the author offers her personal perspective on the pitfalls of manual production and how she convinced her organization to get on-board with an automation initiative. In this white paper, the author discusses:

  • How she convinced her firm to automate and save thousands annually on production and improve time-to-market by 15 days every quarter.
  • How to educate key stakeholders on the flaws implicit in manual production.
  • The 3 key stakeholders involved in developing an effective pitchbook strategy
  • How to illustrate the benefits of automation from a risk management and budgeting perspective.
  • How to illustrate the benefits for each stakeholder, including Data Owners, IT, Compliance, and Designers.


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