Whitepaper: Content Automation | A Path to More Efficient and Effective Marketing

Whitepaper Hero Image - Fuse and Synthesis Content Automation

Divvying Up The Investment Marketing Budget To Adapt To The Pandemic

Investment marketing budgets vary from firm to firm.  Among the marketing functions, nearly all budgets account for are digital marketing, print, design, and content development. Across the investment management industry, content marketing is seen as the best way to gain and maintain your audience’s attention. Yet, in a recent survey of asset managers, mid and large-sized firms only spend about 17% of their marketing budget on content development.

Digital services now account for the largest portion of firms’ marketing budgets, and the largest firms are allocating the highest number of personnel (6 FTEs) to the digital function. This digital world we now live in full time has shone a light on the most crucial piece of any marketing function – data.

While 95% of investment managers use some kind of automation tool for marketing content, and 45% plan to increase usage this year, 43% of survey respondents named manual data intake as their biggest reason for missing deadlines.

In this whitepaper, you’ll learn how firms are allocating their resources, and which ones they are prioritizing in order to operate efficiently and provide effective marketing materials to investors and advisors.

This content automation whitepaper was created by FUSE Research Network for Synthesis Technology.


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