Reduce Fact Sheet Production Time by 50%

Strengthen Your Brand With Impeccable
Tailored Shareholder Reports

Used by top investment companies for true scalability and efficiency

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Get Your Fund Fact Sheets Out in Record Time

Our automation platform collects and unifies your data and turns it into beautiful information on a fact sheet —  in minutes. By automating, our clients have saved weeks of time on producing their fact sheets, which gets the information to the sales team in record time while allowing the marketing team to spend more time on strategic work.


Tailored Shareholder Reports

Leverage all the strengths of the Synthesis content automation engine to drive the planning and execution of the SEC’s Tailored Shareholder Report mandate for ’40 Act investment companies. Learn more about the TSRs here.

Provide Your Team with a Flexible and Scalable Solution

When automating the production of your fund factsheets, you shouldn’t have to make a bunch of compromises, work-arounds, or manual effort to suit the technology. We designed our technology to adapt to the way your firm does things — not the other way around. From design templates to workflows, we take your existing production plan, simplify it, and propel it forward. This way, the automation is working in your favor to help you produce more and scale your marketing operations as your firm grows.


Produce Fund Fact Sheets in Multiple Languages

Producing fact sheets in multiple languages adds a lot of complexity to your production strategy. When you automate, you can alleviate the stress put on your team and get your documents translated and produced much more quickly. We currently produce fact sheets in over 12 languages including Chinese and Arabic.

Insurance Company’s IM Group Doubles Quarter-End Production While Cutting Costs

The growth-by-acquisition strategy of a Large U.S. Insurance Company’s Investment Management Group hinged on efficiently scaling up the production of quarter-end marketing materials. By implementing a fully automated solution, they achieved their goal of doubling output and reducing production time, while also cutting $58,000 in annual agency costs. This firm won an MFEA innovation award for their accomplishments.


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