How Boutique Investment Managers Can Prepare for a Recession

Posted July 29, 2022 by Nick Perry

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Synthesis Technology on NASDAQ

Is a recession on the horizon?

Chris Ruppenstein, Director of Investment Management Sales & Marketing Solutions at Synthesis Technology, joined a team of experts who have been through recessions before to offer what boutique investment managers should be thinking about to get ready for the next one.

Chris noted that marketers should revisit their strategies to ensure they have a clear picture of where they can focus to drive and retain revenue. A recession or pending recession can lead to hiring freezes and budget cuts, requiring a stepped-up alignment across marketing, investment, and sales teams with a focus and plan from the top down.

Other key takeaways include:

  • Shift from trying to do too much, to doubling down on what works.
  • Pivot fund offerings that work best in a recessionary environment.
  • Double down on client success to retain and grow existing business.
  • Talk to customers to learn how the recession is impacting them and how you can help.
  • Be realistic about what you can accomplish with the resources you have.
  • Make better use of automation and other sales and marketing tools.

The article What Should Investment Managers Do Now to Prepare for a Recession? 6 Industry Gurus Have the Answers can be found on the NASDAQ’s website.



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