Category Archives: Investment Marketing

The Biggest Mistake in Your Technology RFP Process

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The Biggest Mistake in Your Technology RFP Process

What is the biggest mistake firms make in their technology RFP process?  The answer: Failing to call references.

The request for references is almost always included when putting-out an RFP, but what’s shocking is that 75% of the time, firms never call them. The excuse is usually something along the lines of, “No one’s going to put down a bad reference, so why bother to call?”

This is a huge mistake.Read More

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Regulatory news from the UK: The FCA proposes new social media rules

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The FCA issued a new guidance about the use of social media in financial services firms within the UKBy Emilie Totten

Investment marketers need to stay on top of changing compliance issues, especially in the social media sphere. Marketers in the U.K. are currently facing new social media rules proposed by the FCA.Read More

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Robo Advisors Don’t Spell the End of Asset Management

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Robo-advisors are a growing part of asset management. By Emilie Totten

You may have heard the term robo-advisor being tossed around. If you’re an asset manager, the term may be making you nervous. After all, the perennial fear about technology is that will inevitably take your job. However, this may not necessarily be the case with robo-advisors, ominous though they may sound. In fact, they may be providing an opportunity for people who have never been able to easily invest previously.Read More

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Financial Brands Need a Cross-Organizational Social Strategy

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Financial Brands Need a Cross-Organizational Social StrategyBy Emilie Totten

It’s good policy for social media marketers to have a relationship with every level of their organization, but it’s even more imperative for in the financial services industry.

In any regulated industry, marketing teams should focus on working closely with compliance and legal departments to make sure outgoing communications stay within the rules. Social media provides an excellent way for asset managers to advertise and build trust with customers, but it also creates fertile ground for marketing blunders and compliance errors.Read More

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