Category Archives: Marketing Strategy

Thinking Outside the Box to Engage Financial Advisors and Grow AUM

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Over the past couple of years, the way we live, work and communicate has been changed forever. The global pandemic left an indelible mark on the asset management landscape that requires new strategies for engaging both clients and employees. So how do asset managers attract and engage financial advisors and grow assets in a more distributed and remote workforce?

This topic was explored at length at the Spring 2022 IMEA conference in Chicago. Some of take-aways from the event are included in our tips below:

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How Asset Managers Use CDPs To Create The MarTech Stack Of The Future

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Asset Manager Martech Stack of the Future

Guest post by Marianne Hewitt, CEO at The Growth Strategy Group. This article first appeared on

Asset managers must continue to drive down expense ratios and keep an intense focus on growth by leveraging modern technologies and improving operational efficiencies. For asset managers to deploy that technology, they need to invest in the marketing technology (Martech) stack of the future.

The Asset Management MarTech Stack Insights and Trends research, in which I collaborated with Synthesis Technology and Sondhelm Partners, identified operational efficiencies as the largest influence for shaping MarTech Stacks in the next two years. Delivering an effective customer experience and generating business insights were also priorities that will influence the construct of the future MarTech stack.Read More

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Pitchbook Problems? 3 Ways Technology Can Help

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Automation and technology help with pitchbook and other investment management literature problems

It’s tough out there for investment management sales teams and only getting more challenging. Today, pitchbooks must be customer-centric, created or changed on a dime, on-brand, compliant and have digital output and tracking options. That’s like trying to make a delicious, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, and sugar-free wedding cake in 10 minutes.

If that hits home, then this article is for you.

(If you didn’t find that amusing, you’ve clearly never tried to make a cake in 10 minutes.)

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Four Key Capabilities to Look for in a Content Automation Solution

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4 content automation capabilities for asset managers by synthesis technology

NOTE: An updated version of this article can be found here: Four, no FIVE things to Look for in a Content Automation Solution

For most asset management firms, data-driven materials like pitchbooks, fund fact sheets, and quarterly commentaries are key business drivers. Yet, those materials are also often the cause of the biggest bottlenecks in the sales and marketing process. That’s why many firms are automating their content production. They know automation means reducing the time it takes to get materials to the sales team and then prospects. In addition, by minimizing the manual effort entailed in creating materials, automation will allow marketing teams to reduce the risk of errors and gain efficiencies that lead to significant long-term cost reductions.

But not all content automation solutions are created equal. If you’ve been contemplating investing in automation, you may be asking: Which solution is the best? The short answer is: the one that removes the most time and risk from your process. Below are some key capabilities to consider when evaluating content automation providers.

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