Category Archives: Commentaries

The 3 Ways to Approach Content Automation

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3 ways to approach content automation

Due to the competitive nature of the financial services industry, content automation has become a strategic priority for many.  With a finish line goal to improve scalability, risk management and brand compliance, the race is on to improve marketing and sales operations.  The challenge firms face is knowing how to approach content automation.  Is it better to build or buy?  What are the differences between the leading vendors, and their approaches?

In 2017, we commissioned some research on how asset managers are automating content production.  The research found 3 common models: Fully outsourced, DIY, and hybrid.  Here’s a brief description of each and the pros and cons.

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Why Outsourcing your FactSheets to a Service Bureau is Risky

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outsourcing factsheet automation to a service bureau is riskyEvery investment marketer would love to get tedious tasks, like updating factsheets, off of their plate. Automation is a great way to accomplish this. When you’re considering how to automate your factsheets or other investment marketing collateral, there are essentially four different approaches you can consider.

Your options are:

There are pros and cons with each of these options and, depending on your firm’s situation and goals, one of these options will be the best fit. Firms operating under tight budgets and resources will often gravitate toward the first option on this list — outsourcing factsheets to a service bureau. The manual production of marketing collateral like factsheets, commentaries, and client reports is labor-intensive and laden with risk. Not to mention, it’s often the least gratifying work that the marketing team does. “Kicking it over the fence” to a fully outsourced service provider often seems like the most attractive option. Read More

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Trends in Asset Management Marketing: What to Expect in 2016

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Asset Management Marketing Trends 2016

(To read our blog on Trends in Asset Management Marketing for 2017, click here.)

You know that guy who always has something interesting to share and teaches you something new in each conversation? The guy that always seems to have a pulse on what’s currently going on in the industry? Andrew Corn, CEO of E5A Integrated Marketing, is “that guy” for me.Read More

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Getting the Data Right in Investment Commentary: An Interview with Susan Weiner, CFA

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by Emilie Totten


A few weeks ago, my friend Susan Weiner published “Investment commentary numbers: How to get them right.” It’s an excellent blog post about how to prevent numerical errors from being published in investment commentary. Susan is a financial writer-editor at and author of the book, Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts that Attract Clients. As a former investment marketing professional turned financial writing consultant, she is no stranger to the intricacies involved in producing these important documents. Read More

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