Category Archives: Content Marketing

What’s the right way to measure the effectiveness of content marketing?

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Does a click through truly measure success?

By Emilie Totten

As software platforms grow more sophisticated, it’s becoming easier to measure certain metrics. With software, marketers can determine which materials are the best converting, from white papers and blog posts to commentaries and other mutual fund and ETF content. However, marketers also need to carefully negotiate what exactly they are measuring and whether it’s the right measurement. In other words, what metrics do marketers need, and is there a point at which tracking click-thrus ceases to become valuable?Read More

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What is Rich Media?

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Financial Services Firms Use Rich Media For Engaging Content MarketingBy Emilie Totten

Rich media is one of the buzzwords of the moment, but what exactly does it mean? Entrepreneur Magazine defines rich media as engaging and interactive content that provides a deeper user experience. According to Kapost, rich media is content that goes beyond the simple blog into more exciting regions like apps, videos, games, infographics and more. As financial services marketers delve more deeply into content marketing, they may start to find that incorporating rich media could be extremely beneficial. Finding a more engaging way to portray data is a great way to build relationships with investors.Read More

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Content marketing: Finserv marketers are more savvy than people think

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content-marketing-in-financial-servicesBy Emilie Totten

Time and time again, people in financial services hear that they are behind the times when it comes to digital marketing, particularly content curating and social media. However, this hardly seems to be the case and maybe it’s time to give credit where credit is due.Read More

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Financial Services can create viral content too

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financial-services-can-create-shareable-contentBy Emilie Totten

Just a few years ago it was rare to find financial services firms in the social sphere at all; now some companies are even creating content that goes viral. To make compulsively shareable content in the financial services realm takes a lot of creativity, but some companies are starting to figure out how to make it work. In late June, following one of the worst Q1 GDP reports in the last 50 years, J. Lyons Fund Management released a tweet with a table of GDP data it had collected, and it quickly went viral, The Reformed Broker noted.Read More

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