Category Archives: Fund Fact Sheets

The Art of Producing Multi-Language FactSheets

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By John Toepfer

Foreign Language FactSheet Production

There is art to producing multi-language documents of any sort, but the bar is set particularly high when focusing on data-driven documents of a recurring nature.  With documents like mutual fund factsheets, the cost and production timeline are key metrics of organizational success.  A traditional process of shipping off document files to a translation agency and counting the days for receipt of finished foreign language material – and a large bill – can be ridiculous.

In the age of content management systems and Google Translate, there is definitely a better way.

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5 Considerations When Rebranding Documents

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Rebranding fund documents and website redesignHaving an organized approach to rebranding your fund documents can help your firm avoid production bottlenecks and other setbacks. Significantly improve the speed and outcome of a rebranding project with a thorough strategy and experienced content management system partner.

Before beginning a rebranding initiative, decision-makers should carefully consider the following five elements: design, timeline, images, testing, and support.Read More

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Proofreading Fund Documents Doesn’t Have to Be a Drag

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by Noah Menikoff 

Proofreading FactSheets

A good proofreader is hard to find. Ask any financial services marketer and they will probably tell you this is the worst part of their job – proofreading, editing and updating documents. It’s time consuming work and it takes an enormous amount of time, patience, attention-to-detail, and focus.

Manual proofreading not only requires time and patience, but it also involves thoughtfulness and empathy. Thoughtfulness is required to interpret what is not always an apples-to-apples comparison and empathy is important for evaluating information from the perspective of the end-user. With so many data points and documents to work with, even the most skilled proofreaders face the undeniable challenge of human error. Not to mention, it’s unsatisfying work that takes up time and resources.

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