Category Archives: Fund Fact Sheets

How to Rock Your Content Automation Implementation

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In a blog post by our CEO, he draws a comparison between setting up a rock concert and doing an investment management content automation implementation. In the post, he points out that the critical behind-the-scenes logistics of these operations are not fully appreciated. But they’re vital to the outcome.

For example, think back to a time you arrived early to a concert. You may have noticed the roadies methodically working to get all the equipment set up and working perfectly. Because of this, the band can just get up on stage, grab their instruments, and put on a great show. The roadies and logistics teams don’t get the attention from all the screaming, raging fans, but they certainly deserve some recognition for the role they play.

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Fund Fact Sheet Production: How Does Your Firm Compare? [Infographic]

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Mutual Fund Factsheet Infographic Synthesis Technology

Have you ever wondered how your firm stacks up in terms of fund fact sheet release dates and overall production efficiency?

We are in the business of automating fund marketing documents so, naturally, we were curious to learn how the industry performs at large. We already had a pretty good idea, based on our close relationships with fund marketers at a variety of investment management firms. However, we thought it would be interesting to gather some empirical data and publish it for our readers.

Our Product Manager, Noel Rodolfo, conducted a study based on a random sample of 35 fund companies and 175 fact sheets.

His goal was to find out:

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‘The fast fish eats the slow fish’ and the definition of insanity

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In the new world, it's not the big fish which eats the small fish, it's the fast fish which eats the slow fish

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Without a doubt, we’ve all fallen victim to “insanity” at different points in our lives. For example, I’m insane to think I can win a 5K race by training for distance with no regard to speed, strategy, or agility. Or, that I can overcome a weight-loss plateau by sticking to my same daily fitness routine. If I want different results, I’ll have to change my approach.

The same rules apply in the workplace. As modern marketing and business professionals, it’s illogical to think we can keep up with the pace of marketing in a world where “content is king” and data is everywhere – unless we improve our processes. Being agile is what makes or breaks a company in these new and exciting times.Read More

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For Asset Managers, The Profit Is In The Relationship

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To profit, asset managers should invest in relationships

The economic pressure that has weighed down asset managers recently will continue to mount in 2019. We will especially see this as the tide of market-induced asset growth subsides. The established industry trends are rising passive inflows, fee compression, increased regulation, continuing platform rationalization. These are inescapable, threatening profit margins of the least prepared asset managers. In response, firms are intensifying their efforts to streamline distribution costs, improve their offerings, and invest in relationships. However, many still fall short of differentiating themselves among financial advisors. This could be the ultimate key to sustainable profits in this shifting landscape.

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