A Work-Life Balance Leads to More Success

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Doing more with less, overwhelming expectations and fast paced deadlines seem to be more the norm in the work place.   Sometimes we work so hard that we forget to take some time to rest, rejuvenate, look around and appreciate.  It’s very easy to think of our work lives as a continuum defined by problems we’ve faced, when it could easily be thought of as a series of challenges which have been overcome, i.e. successes.

But success rarely comes from being tired or discourage.  It’s important to realize when to strategically renew and refresh.  Once we refuel, we can return to the obstacle at hand and see it in a new light and be able to overcome what, prior to the break, was holding us back, down or even putting us out of the game.

There is a belief that the more hours an individual works, the more productive the time.  By managing the flow, protecting positive energy and renewing the thought process, we can tap into the part that maybe we were too exhausted to reach otherwise, getting more done in less time and less frustration.  There’s no telling what feats can be conquered!

This week, we were diligent in meeting critical deadlines for our clients as well as continued successful DR testing.  We completed an improvement to sort-by-date in views and spilling columns for text renderers as well as enhancing the iOS PDF compatibility for our Pitchbook solution, Synthesis Decks™.

Another active week, but maintaining the goal to still take time to enjoy the view.




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John Toepfer is CEO and Co-founder of Synthesis Technology. He is a technology entrepreneur, investor and business owner with a 25-year background in building and supporting communication solutions for the financial services industry. He lives in Chicago with his wife and two sons.


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