Why Firms Automate The Investment Data Processes

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Investment Firms Automate Data Process To Focus On Building Investor Relations

Asset management firms that don’t automate the investment data processes pay the price every quarter in the form of time-consuming manual work, as well as the risk of human errors. The costs – including the opportunity costs – add up significantly over time. At a recent webinar, we explored how asset managers can get off the quarter-end hamster wheel forever and achieve long-term ROI through effective data automation. Below are some highlights from the conversation.

Some investment data processes can be automated, some can’t.

Digital marketing tools can provide a wealth of data about audience engagement at every point in the client lifecycle. These insights start from the very first interaction with your firm. Though, putting all that investment data to good use requires humans with the time and energy to turn data into insights, and to turn insights into creative ideas and new tactics. When investment management marketers need to manually collect, reconcile and enter large quantities of performance and characteristics data, they have far less time to devote to the more strategic activities that actually build assets and drive revenues. When firms automate investment data processes, it takes some of the manual intervention out of data management. So, marketers save time and money and focus on initiatives only humans can do well.

Data velocity is a competitive advantage.

Marketing at scale requires efficiently getting clean data where it needs to go. This includes websites and databases, as well as fund factsheets, pitch decks and other collateral distribution teams use to sell. An efficient data automation process will reduce the time needed for your message and updated performance data to reach investors.

Investment data needs to be accurate, not just fast.

The SEC recently expanded its definition of investment management advertising and provided new guidance for the marketing of data performance. Recent enforcement actions show that the agency now considers publishing incorrect or misleading information in databases to be sanctionable. In the future, data errors will be fertile ground for SEC audits and investigations. When firms automate the investment data process, they reduce the risk of be non-compliant

All your investment data needs to tell the same story.

Investment management firms need to manage two types of data. There’s quantitative: your performance and characteristics. Then, there’s qualitative: your investment philosophy, process and approach. Together, both sets of data should tell a compelling story that positions you well to your target audience and convinces them to take the next step. For example, if you say you specialize in the needs of foundations and endowments, your AUM better show that your client base includes a good chunk of those clients. If you say you are contrarian, your portfolio holdings shouldn’t be a list of big household names.

Business still depends on relationships.

In the past, the relationships the drove business were often forged on the golf course or over lunch. You had the ear of your audience and could tell the story of your firm’s unique approach and competitive edge. Today, much of the interaction has moved online, and investors are looking to databases and other materials to learn what they want to know about your firm.

Watch the Webinar Replay

APX Webinar video: Automate investment data marketing strategy

If you have questions or would like more information about using automation to scale up your investment management marketing, please contact us.

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Emilie is Chief Marketing Officer at Synthesis. She brings over 15 years of integrated sales and marketing experience working with financial services, SaaS, and health and wellness companies. Her passion is architecting holistic marketing strategies that align with each business function to achieve client experience, employee advocacy, and revenue goals. When she isn't marketing, you can find her rehabbing her home in the Chicago suburbs, practicing yoga, or spending time with her family.


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